Joel currently serves as founder and CEO of de Wolfe Music USA, the sister company to UK based de Wolfe Music. de Wolfe music is a 110 year old music publishing company and creator of what is now known as “production music”. de Wolfe Music has created and licensed music in all forms of media since the birth of silent film. Our music is currently licensed directly in 48 countries.
Over the past 15 years Joel has procured thousands of sync licenses, facilitated custom composition for TV and film, and has produced countless records for both the synch and commercial markets. With the resurgence of sample based music, De Wolfe Music has once again risen to the occasion of providing amazing retro based samples for many of Hip Hop’s biggest stars. “For me, De Wolfe Music was the best” – Ad Roc/Beastie Boys. Joel continues to facilitate the growth of de Wolfe Music, both in the United States and worldwide.
Still a dedicated and active musician, Joel remains within 2-5 feet of a guitar at all times no matter where he is in the world.